Day two of the trips started around early in the morning; well before the sun come up. I didn’t sleep well and Maddex was up as normal . Fitbit claims five hours and I was awake for an hour and a half of those so 3.5 hours of actual sleep. Maddex was the first asleep last night and the first up. He crept into bed with Michelle and I at 5am on the dot. I asked him later what time he got up at he said 4:01, but he waited until 5am like he’s supposed to before getting out of bed. He’s such a rule follower! We snacked on some food and watched a movie waiting on everyone else to wake up. – I took a warm shower while waiting. The power shower was not putting out hot water and I wanted a shower, so fuck it. There might have been screams emanating from the shower when I jumped in.
Oddly Brian and Michelle reported hot showers when they took showers. Must be punishment for waking up so early and making noises with the ulterior motive of waking people up…. The girls woke up a quarter of the way into our second tad the explorer movie of the morning. They had cup cakes and donuts for breakfast. By the time the girls finished everyone was up and moving eating eggs and drinking coffee. By 0823 we were on road headed for Killarney at the start of the ring of Kerry about half an hour away.
Ring of Kerry
First stop on our journey today is at a Tesco in Killarney to pickup sandwiches and crisps for picnic lunch somewhere around noon later in the day. Mila and Khaleesi ended up with new shoes while we were there to replace their wearing out shoes. We walk everywhere and seem to burn out shoes quickly – go figure

First stop on the Ring of Kerry after Tesco is Torc falls above Muckross lake. The falls were a whole 200 meters from the parking lot and still had an impressive water flow after a month or so of little to no rain. The trail continued past the falls and we kept on walking on it up a steep stair covered hill. We walked another 20 minutes up until we came to a bridge over the river where we stopped and magnet fished before heading back to the car

The Peterson’s cousin Julie appears to be on a tour bus going the same direction or stopping in a town we’re headed too about an hour away. We made it half an hour and decided to stop and have a picnic by a river in the town of Sneem. The camp ground we wanted to picnic at was on the other side of a river from the direction we were walking. The river is not deep or fast and it runs through a pile of rocks. Maddex and I decided we could cross the river and carried on jumping over the water on the rocks.

We made it almost all the way to the end before I slipped and fell in the river. Managed to only get my shoes wet as my butt landed on a dryish rock. I scrambled for a second sliding down the rock into the river before hitting my footing and getting out of the water. After we got out Roxi told me she did not like falling in the River and I got water in her ear. Maddex told me it was a great crossing because he did not fall in, I did, and because he found five cents in the river.

We had a nice picnic on the other side of the river in a camp ground. Laid out the picnic blanket and ate all of our foods while the kids tossed rocks in the river. Maddex and Mila were trying to skip rocks. I showed them how to a few times, and I think they each managed one skip. After lunch we had to find a toilet and shop a bit before carrying on towards limerick. On the way to limerick we had three stops.
Stop one – a pier
Stop one was a random pier we drove down to look at a bay. Brian saw water a sign that told him he needed to see what was down a road we passed. We turned around and drove back and turned down a road that ended on a pier with a large muscle farmers boats tied up to it in a gorgeous bay.

Stop two – a beach
Stop two was white strand beach. Andrada saw a pretty beach and said stop. I immediately pulled off behind some caravans. Lisa got out and looked at he beach. She said there was a van parked down there so there must be a road down. About 50 meters further up the road was a road we turned on with parking for about 5 cars. We parked and walked down to the beach. Wow what a tremendous beach. Patches of sand surrounded by rocks and deep blue water.

Stop three – some food than hotel
After the beach we tried to find a kids play Aron but failed. We ended up food and ice cream for the kids so not a complete failure of a stop. Last stop fo the day is the Radisson hotel blu in limerick our in the middle of no where. Hey it has everything we need. Fairy park, kids play area, nice rooms, and a restaurant. Michelle and Lisa cleaned our kids then I stayed in the room with the kids and watched a movie while the adults and Andrada went out for food. After the move I put the kids to bed and told Michelle to stay out as long as she wants too. – she can always use a break

The rest of the pictures