Last night I learned the word boner, in addition, to referring to an erection and being a character on Growing Pains, rest his soul, also means mistake. Go figure you learn something new every day. How did I learn this you ask? Well, it all started with a Maddex and a football. The conversation kicking off this learning progression went like this:
Maddex says – dad can you do the boner?
Me – um??
Maddex – come with me I’ll show you my boner I have to do it outside
Me – um? Ok ??
Then Maddex goes outside and kicks a football cross-legged using his back leg. He kicked so well he falls over because he kicked his own leg. He explains this move is called a boner. I tell him “great boner kid” then I have to share this conversation with everyone I know.

Took a bit to get used to the kids asking for Rubbers all the time, now Maddex wants to show me his Boner? Some of these Irish words are great. “What’s the craic, Is that your gaff?” Talking with Colin, my buddy the football coach, sharing a “kids are great story” looking for an explanation of what just happened I found out what Maddex was on about. Colin figures Maddex was saying, Bona. Short for Rebona kick.
Chatting with another friend, Bob, he mentioned Boner meant mistake before it meant what I was thinking it meant. Bob is smart but you can’t believe everything you read on the internet, so I looked it up. Sure enough, Boner also means mistake according to multiple dictionaries.
boner noun [ C ] (MISTAKE)
US informal a mistake that causes embarrassment to the person who makes it
That’s my story, and here are a few more pictures