Dublin Randoms 2019 – Episode 4

TLDR – Mat towers, mat dinners, haircut, birthday for Kahleesi, superman shirts, Weaver Park, Odd things, missing teeth, and muff diver pizzas

Mat structures

We are up to about 10-floor mats now. The kids have been using them to build all kinds of things. Towers, houses, slides, you name it; they’ve tried it.  Some days they will build towers inside trying to see how tall they can get them. Another day they will build Multi-room houses in the back yard and have a who can stay in their house the longest challenge. It’s fun to watch them build new things all the time and come up with new games to play with their mats.

Check out my tower dad
The girls trying to get on top of their tower
Maddex building a house
Khaleesi in her house
inside someone mat house

Dinner and Dates on the mats

A few weeks ago Michelle and I ate our last Boboli pizza from the states. We decided to eat it in the playroom and have ourselves a mini date while the kids were watching a movie. Maddex built us a table out of the mats for our date. No candles or nothing, but still a great date. A week or so after that we had a picnic-style dinner on the back deck. Maddex and Mila built us a picnic table out of the mats for dinner.

Date night in the play room with mom and some pizza
Everyone look cute so dad can get a picture
Setup the mats to land on after launched from the swing
We ate almost everything
Mat picnic dinner in the back yard

Khaleesi Turned 5 this summer

Another orbit around the sun for Khaleesi. We had a mellow birthday for her; themed around whatever Khaleesi wanted to do. We started off with some present opening in the morning, a walk to Mr. B’s in Nutgrove for some coin dozer, Mr, Price for art supplies, McDonalds for lunch, and home for cake and a movie. Khaleesi got to do whatever she wanted for the day and she sure enjoyed the power. Being able to direct the day was her favorite part of the day.

Presents !!! I cannot wait to open them all
Oh look what I got!
Maddex actually won something at a claw machine
GRRRRR don’t touch my food
Imagine people are singing to Khaleesi
Khaleesi trying again to blow out her candle, it took her a while

Maddex let mom cut his hair

Maddex has not allowed us to cut his hair for a year or so, and it’s starting to get a bit long. He does not want to pull it back into a bun or ponytail so it’s all over the place. Michelle talked him into letting her cut his hair as long he got a Lego set and I cut my hair. Well, we both have short hair now and the kids got to build some legos.

Maddex has to play video games while getting his hair cut to distract him from the sound
Almost all gone
Finished product, not too bad
What my hair looks like now
Building Leogs, before the hair cut, but you get the idea of what it looked like afterward

Weaver park

We had a day to kill and wanted to check out a new park; Michelle found one we’d not been to before. Michelle had us ride the LUAS into town where our first stop was Offbeat donuts; mmm donut.  From there we walked to Weaver park to play. The park is great with a huge wood house thing in the middle to climb on and a skate park all the same space. Sad for us after about 20 minutes it started to rain. We hide under the house for a bit waiting for the rain to calm down then we walked back to the LUAS. On the way back the rain varied intensity all over the place. We hide under some awnings a few times on the walk back trying to avoid being totally drenched. We totally need to check out Weaver park again when its dryer and we have more time.

Sweet play area with slides and wood house and all kinds of things
The black tongue looking thing is a slide – the kids worked it out
Maddex sliding down some odd slide thing
Skate park at the Weaver park

Dressing like dad

The kids each put on one of my shirts one night and bounced all over the house making noise. Managed to take a few pictures of them in matching shirts



One-off Randoms

Michelle has some great Cloud Infrastructure
Mila and I making faces at the camera
Bounce house slide at a Birthday party we went too for someone elses kids
Dad and a few of his favorite daughters
Michelle made some English muffins we could use to make Pizzas
Muff diver pizzas on home made muff – pretty gosh darned good
Dundrum Expansion progress
Maddex ridding around at the local skate park
Mila lost almost 3 three teeth this summer
Eating Mcdonalds in the grass
Roxi looking cheesy

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