TLDR – great wolf lodge, Halloween, Lake visit, Kar Kar and Jer Jer visits,
Part 2 was getting a bit long with all of the pictures, so I cut it off and now we are on to part 3 and I guess we’ll need a part 4. interesting that I whined about not taking many pictures in the last post then had to cut it due to too many pictures; shrug, lif, and science I guess.
My biggest laugh from the trip was thanks to Sean Robbins. We were texting back and forth and I sent him a picture of a truck with 2 padlocks on the back to keep people out of the canopy to let him know it was great to be back in America where we are all paranoid. Sean then asked me if I was at or a near a dollar store – We were in a dollar tree looking Halloween things for the kids. I laughed most of the time we were in the store.

Great Wolf Lodge
Our First saturday in the states was spent a Great Wolf lodge south of Olympia. Mom and Darren booked it as a family thing. Michelles siblings caught wind of it and booked rooms along with us making it a mega family thing. We drove towards the Lodge without any urgency in mind. We planned to stop at Goodwill and REI in Olympia then have lunch at Costco.
Michelle had a great time shopping at Goodwill while I sat in the car desperate to pee letting the kids sleep. Then we all went to REI and bought some bags haul all of our loot home in. We booked tickets with checked bags for the return flight. 23kg times 6 bags is a whole lot of loot. Check in at the hotel was 3pm, but Darren went down early to see if could sweet talk something. It was before noon when we were done at REI and Darren was calling to let us know we had rooms, a table, and he was ordering pizza – Michelle and I gave up Costco lunch and figured we should go.
Great wolf was GREAT for the kids and fun, it was less than great for a family thing. While we were in the water park we spent all of our time in the water with the kids making it less than ideal to socialize with other adults. We did manage to go on the wizard quest and do some trick or treating after the water, and we all had breakfast together in the morning. Mila was our star at the water park. She went on all of the rides screaming in fear with a look on her face like she was not having run, but she kept going back for more.

Forsythes over for dinner
sunday night after returning from the wolf we had the Forsythes over for dinner in the garage. Was great to catch up. Clint says one of his extra duties at work is teaching the active shooter classes for the school district. Sad that it’s a thing in america, fun that it is something he gets an education on. Clint said his last training involved a live shooter with blanks at country building to help people understand how loud and intense it could be.

Monday Maddex and I went to seattle to visit Prodata, and Jeremy. We went for a walk on the Coal Creek trails I used to run on, then walked about Frys for a while before Jer Jer had to head back to work. We wanted to go bowling but we were not able to find bowling nearby that was convenient. – Was great to visit with Jer Jer.

Tuesday and Wednesday
Tuesday I left super early to drive to Seattle where I interviewed at Oracle. Michelle hung out at the house with my family and the kids and took the kids to McDonald’s for lunch and playland. The Pirate ship took shape Tuesday while grandpa was playing with the kids
Wednesday we drove out to the lake to Visit Theresa and Eddie and see their updated house. Their house looks massive as you drive up to it now. It’s a small 1 bedroom A frameish style cabin, with a 2 car garage. The new siding on everything makes the garage and shed and house all blend into one massive looking structure as you drive up or look from the lake. They installed some Mini splits, redid the living room, and kitchen, new TV, new siding, new free windows, and other bits. Love the new cabinets and counter top in the kitchen, and I am sure the AC will be amazing for them in the summer. – Thanks Auntie and Uncle for the goodies and lunch!

From the lake, we drove home and hung out for the rest of the day. Michelle’s friend Kara came over to hang out with us and spend time with Michelle. I requested my favorite meal, French dips with fried rice, and mom delivered for dinner. We had dinner in the garage then drove to Harper Church for a Halloween carnival. The kids had a blast on the blow-up things and playing games. Kids and I went to bed and Michelle and Kara stayed up late gossiping