TLDR – Took the kids to Sandymount Strand for some beach and water. Maddex cut his Knee open jumping on a razor clam and ended up with stitches – Thanks VHI Balally, Michelle and Emily.
Biking to the Beach
Today we’re heading to Sandymount strand to play in the tide pools and dig in the sand. The goal is to arrive at slack tide so we have miles and miles of sandy beach as our playground. Low tide is 0948 we’re out the door at 0900. It’s 90% downhill to the beach; great ride coasting. We parked our bikes at a bike rack in the playground at Sean More park figuring the playground would be a secure enough place to leave the bikes for the day. (they were not stolen)
As we got closer Maddex remembered the park from our last ride this way. He was telling me how excited he was for the in-ground trampoline thing. Once we parked he drug the girls straight over there to show them the trampoline. Next, they ran to the obstacle course, followed by showing dad how they could all do the monkey bars. Around 1000 it was time to head to the water. It’s only about 16 out, and mostly cloudy with a few bursts of sun. Perfect for me; less chance of sunburn, not too hot.
The kids ran around the sand looking for pools deep enough to swim in. I slowly followed behind playing the sherpa pack filled with towels, water, food, diving gear, everyone’s shoes, and other bits. Sandymount is a deep beach. We’re about 2km out from shore still unable to see the water’s edge at low tide. We’ve found a nice knee-deep, for me, tide pool to play in and the sun is starting to show up more and more. Time to sun cream everyone doesn’t want any burns.

Bad Clam – Sad Maddex
Maddex yelled for me to watch him then he ran across the sand and jumped knees first into the water. He slowly came out of the water holding his knee calmly saying he hurt himself. He was so calm and matter of fact stating he was in pain my first reaction was he must be joking. He assured me he was not joking. When I crossed over the water to check on his knee my reaction was “oh shit” – The cut is deep. Sub subcutaneous fat balls and muscles are visible. We’re a good 2 kilometers from the road sand and tide pools between us and where we need to be.

The cut is clean enough there is very little blood leaking. He must have landed on a razor clam shell when he jumped into the water. We’ve been crunching on razor clam shells walking out here. It’s the only thing that makes sense to me given the wound. I wrapped his wound with a towel and we started back towards the shore. Maddex was not doing well walking. We alternating between me carried him(101#), and helped him hop all the way into shore. At the shore, I carried him up the stairs and placed him on a park bench elevating his leg texting Michelle some more information.

At the start of the trek in from the scene of the accident in I texted Michelle “I need some one to come get us with Sucherz at the concrete pool thing ruins. Maddex is cut pretty bad. He probably needs stitches.” – From the cryptic text message Michelle did everything needed; she is a legend.
Per, Michelle she texted a few friends for help. Emily came to our aid telling Michelle she would be right over. They arrived at the parking lot about 20 minutes later. Emily and Michelle took all of the kids to Saint Vincent’s to get stitches while I walked back to the bike. By the time I made it to the bike Maddex had been patched by an EMT, who told him he could not be treated at Saint Vincent’s because he is a child, and Emily drove all the way to the bikes to bring me the bike computer I’d left in the backpack in her car. No computer no electric assist – I guess I walk slow, it was a long way to the bike, or Emily drives fast?
Michelle’s story – As they were walking up the emergency there were a number of ambulances and EMTs chatting at the door. They stopped Michelle and Maddex asking how old Maddex was. They told Michelle Saint Vincents does not treat Maddex’s age. Which did not prevent the EMTs from helping out. Then took Maddex into an ambulance, calmed him down asking if he had ever been in an ambulance, cleaned his wound, and bandaged him up – True Legends.
Getting fixed
As I’m leaving the playground Emily yells at me letting me know she is on the other side of the road. Emily took Maddex’s bike in her car and I rode to the hospital to work out our next move. Emily let me know they’d told Maddex he needed to go to one of the two kids Hospitals open today in either Tallaght or Crumlin. Neither of these options are near us or simple to get to without car. On the bike ride to meet them I recalled when Khaleesi broker her collar bone she was treated at VHI Balally near Dundrum. Sent Michelle a text while ridding
Text message as follows:
From the above text message the amazing Michelle busted out the VHI app, called VHI, and booked an appointment for Maddex before I found them at the hospital. Between Michelle being amazing and Emily dropped everything to drive us around for a few hours I’m super impressed and gratful. Maddex, Emily, and Michelle went to Balally for stitches and the girl’s road home in the bike with me.
We stopped at centra for ice cream a few minutes into the ride. By the time we made it home, Maddex and Michelle were waiting to see a doctor, and Emily had driven home. From the play-by-play texts a nurse put sutures on Maddex wound when they arrived. 20 minutes later the doctor had to take them off. It was so painful they had to numb Maddex and hold him down. To numb him they injected him directly into the wound a few times. Michelle had not eaten yet today, this is all super stressful I guess it got to her. She almost passed out. Had to lay down on the floor, elevate her legs and drink some water.

In the end, the VHI clinic fixed Madddex up good as new with a few stitches. Michelle and Maddex took the Luas home. I’m typing this waiting for them to arrive home. Check the following text Michelle just sent me:
VHI called, they said Maddex is fully covered and they owe us 25 Euro….I like free. Tomorrow when you check him in, let them know and they will refund the card. I used your BOI card.
Michelle did not have any money, cards, or ID with her. I tossed her my wallet as she left with Maddex and Emily. Hence why she used my card. Thanks Oracle insurance for fully covering the cost of this accident.