Michelle wanted to purchase a Pie pan, and we had a free day, so we went into town for a walk and some shopping. First stop the small park next to the Ranelagh LUAS stop where the kids played for a bit. Asking the kids about their favorite part of the park before bed time and they were all into the spinning thing, except Roxi who was into a lady bug on a spring.

After the park we stopped into a few random shops to look at hiking stuff, back packs, cooking things, food, ETC. I am sure those shops have names and stuff but I don’t remember them. One of them was a grocery store votes best food, and oddly, best wedding venue in Dublin by something. LEft me thinking, that’s strange, I wonder how you do a wedding in a grocery story; people be different I guess. We eventually ended up on the north side of the river at Nisbets where we did not get anything. We did pick up a bunch of fruit from the fruit venders and sat on the sidewalk and had fruit for lunch.

We didn’t end up with a pie pan, but we did have a good time. After we made it home and feed the kids an early dinner / late lunch. Khaleesi and Mila hoped on their scooters and I walked next to them to Dunnes and back for some Milk. Khaleesi is still very much a beginner on the scooter and needs more practice. Hence me walking next to her vs. ridding my own scooter following her. She needs a few more trips before she can keep up, but she is getting there.

The Rest of the Pictures