The clouds have left and the sun is out in Dublin this week. We even had a few days in the 20’s. We’ve been excited to be able to leave the house without hats and gloves and jackets. From work with the spotting scope there is an obelisk visible on top of a hill towards the ocean in Killiney; It’s called the Killiney Obelisk, It’s been calling out to us since it the scope showed up at work. We’ve been wanting to walk out there and explore for a few months. Today, Saturday, it’s sunny, warm, and lacking rain. Figured it was time to take the family out to see the Killiney Obelisk. After breakfast we took off.

The GPS says 15-minute drive or about an hour and 20 minutes via LUAS to BUS to Walking to arrive at the entrance to Killiney park. We left the house and watched the LUAS pass by headed for our stop. Weekend schedule means it will be 15 minutes before the next one arrives. No big deal missing the train. To kill time and keep moving we walked to the next stop at Khaleesi speed. We made it to the stop with about 3 minutes to spare, boarded the train and rode it to the end; Brides Glen. It was about 15 minutes until the bus would arrive. Michelle and decided it’s only about 5k to the top of the hill we might as well walk it all.

We covered the kids with sunscreen before leaving the house, but we still walked on the shady side of the street. We’ve not seen much sun in a few months and don’t want to burn anyone. Plus the less sun on the skin the better the skin ages; might as well teach the kid young. The walk was 90% uphill, and no one complained. Our first pitstop was on a corner of a quiet street in the shade for water, apples, and Oreos

On the way to the park entrance, we crossed a set of stairs that appeared to go straight to the obelisk. Always being up for a challenge Khaleesi hopped out of the stroller and carried on after the other kids up the stairs. Roxi on my back and stroller held on my waist, I took up the rear climbing the stairs. It was not too far to the top of the hill where the view was tremendous; it’s truly spectacular. 360-degree views down the coast, out into the ocean, and inwards towards the city.

A bit down the hill from the Obelisk is a small step side pyramid the kids climbed for a few of the ocean. Khaleesi started to freak out with fear on the pyramid and had to be carried off before she calmed down. The kids were hungry by now, and we did not want to head down yet. We stopped for apples and goldfish and more water on some concrete blocks near the obelisk. The kids were not in the mood to sit still and kept spilling things so, F-it, we’ll start walking again.

We walked down the other side of the hill towards the main parking lot which has a play park next to it with a zip line. We played there for a half an hour before we departed the part. Not far down the road, Maddex spotted a Centra all excited. We know what he wants, and the kids have been good. We inside and bought everyone an ice lolly. While eating Lollies we kept on walking for a quick tour of Dalkey the town below the hill. Not much to write home about. After the tour we found then boarded the DART for Pearse station in city center. From Pearse we walked towards St. Stephens green and road the LUAS home. The kids all passed on the train home. Mila had a hard time finding comfort and ended up only napping a few minutes. The rest of the kids napped all the way home.

Sleeping kinds on the LUAS

Now with even More Pictures