Randoms for the Week 1

I’ve been tracking / starting / seeding / whatever you want to call it, a number of things to write about for the last week. I can write a few of them as full blown long winded writings, or I can copy Paul and drop some of the things as quick bullets or blurbs. I think I’ll go for short blurbs under the heading of Randoms for the Week.

From SPBWallet to KeePass

Back in 2004, Microsoft Round one, when Windows Mobile 6.x was a thing, and Microsoft had a site license for SPB software. I took the free code for SPBWallet, installed SPBWallet and started storing all of things in there. Then SPB and Windows Mobile died and we were left with a vacuum in the where to store important numbers storage vault place. We ignored the vacuum and stuck with SPB for a bit tool long. Last week we finally gave up on the super out of date easy to hack SPB wallet and migrated all of our important things to KeePass. Thanks, Wes for the suggestion. Keepass is an open source super extensible product, and it has clients for everything. The huge one for me there is no cloud holding all of my data other than DropBox in the middle with the database file; Kev approved – Kev does not want all of his things stored in a cloud he does not control.


While browsing the internal home page here at the Microsoft the other day I discovered that the MS Library provides free accounts to GetAbstract. Being a book nut, and life learner obsessed with consuming more content to increase my smarts, GetAbstract is a Brilliant tool to quickly consume and sample new information. Of course, they have an AP I’ve downloaded to the phone to read more things on. I’ve been spending about 20-30 minutes of my in-bed about to sleep calm time to reading overviews of books and news topics, and I’m pleased with the tool. Thanks, Microsoft for another great benefit.

McCormick Park Trails

Michelle and I are always on the hunt for new trails or hikes to walk on near the MillFam compound. I’ve been on a hunt for soiled / non-paved running places on the way to work since the move to Bellevue. Last week we found some more trails near the house- A park called McCormick Forest Park near the Burnham exit / Costco and such, about 10 miles from home. It’s ~ 120 Acres with 4+ miles of walking trails over streams up and down hills around old growth trees; great park. This week while Maddex was leading us on our walk with a map we crossed the road and found Rotary Dog Park another 100 acres of park with trails and a 15-acre fenced in off leash dog park. So many opportunities for walking and exploring with the kids.

We’ve gone 3 times this week. Maddex likes to lead with a map and pick where we are going at every intersection. Momma hauls Roxi in the front pack and I carry Khaleesi in the Deuter pack on my back. We generally go for about 2-3 miles and 40-60 minutes. The kids love them some walks, and exploring, and do great with the activity. Our mornings are now – Breakfast, pool for an hour, walk for an hour, then I kiss the kids good bye and drive somewhere to run for 30 minutes before work.

Gig Harbour has a parks website – http://www.penmetparks.org/ – with more parks we will check out

Lumo Run

Back in December of last year I preordered a Lumo Run Wednesday it finally showed up and I sure was super excited to give it a go and figure out what it had to say about the running form I’ve come up with over the last year. Run one with the Lumo was a bit of a failure, and it turns out it was Lumo’s fault. I charged the thing on the drive to work and was ready to go when I made it to the trail. In the car, it reported full charge on the phone ap. When I put it on it reported no juice at all in the ap – sad face

When I made it to work Lumo sent me an email with the below words

Dear Kevin,

We hope this email finds you well. We’re reaching out to inform you of an issue that may affect some of our early shipments of Lumo Run sensors. Yesterday our team found that some of those early sensors are experiencing a degree of sensitivity to direct sunlight, which may cause the battery to report depletion (despite being full) or disconnect mid-run.

While not all sensors will exhibit these behaviors, we do have a workaround for those that do. Simply remove your sensor from the clip and insert it with the serial number facing out and at the bottom of the clip.

The device has no screens or anything, so I am clueless how turning it over fixes the problem, but it fixed the problem. Thursday, I put it on ran and it worked without issue. I’ll take a few more runs before working out how I feel about it. Right now it’s working on my cadence trying to have me move my legs a bit quicker.

MyPakage – New Undies TMI

<<TMI warning>>

Thanks, dad for the genetics!!! The boys in my family line from my dads side are built with large annoying low hanging sacks to hold our testicles. I like to call mine, my skin bank. I figure I have a good 150 square inches of spare skin there in case I ever require a skin graft. Might look odd, but it’s nice to have as a backup plan. Anyhow these things have been annoying part of my life as long as I can remember – where do you put the bloody things, how to pull them off of your leg without looking like you’re molesting yourself ETC. I was once teaching a high school class and I jumped into a chair and sat on them, HARD – FUCK that hurt. Rolling on the floor crying is not great way to teach a class or get over feeling nervous.

I’ve always had a vision and wanted to build a pair of underwire underwear to make my life better. A few months ago, I found me my dream undies. The MyPakage Weekday Boxer are the undies I’m in love with. They are not cheap, but these MyPakage things are worth every penny of comfort they provide. I’ve wanted these things since my teens, and now I have them!!!
Pictures –

Now for some pictures because all posts need pictures.

Picked up a few Snare drums from the GW auction site

Picked up 120 pounds of Legos a week later – still sorting these out.

Baby K with her shades in the car

Mila showing off her shades

Michelle took a night at a funeral and the kids and I had a tea party

Maddex and I starting building Trevi Fountain out of Legos

Kids on a rock on the new trails we found

Tried to get a selfie of the family on the same hike

Momma and the kiddos by a creek on our new trails

Looking the other direction Baby K saying hi from the backpack

Massive aunt hill! – looks like someone tired to take it out, but it is still going.

Took the kids to the lake to visit aunt Theresa for a morning

Kids at the lake park

K on the spring thing

Kiddos having a pop corn social before bed time.

Picture of the kids playing the pool where we spend an hour or more a day now

Tried to get a shot this morning on our hike.

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