TLDR – Storytime with Khaleesi in the Sauna
Storytime with Khaleesi in the Sauna
Khaleesi experienced her first sauna with dad last night. She said she did not want to read a book like the other kids, she wanted to tell stories. Sounds like fun to me. I listened and typed up her stories while we were in the sauna. After writing her stories out Khaleesi had me read the stories back to her so we could edit and make sure we captured them correctly.

First story
One day there was a little girl with her daddy in a Forest picking strawberries. When they were in the forest they found a place to live and their new place had food. Then they ate all of the food. Then they went back home and slept. After night time they went and played in the park. Then they had to go somewhere. They went to the shop to buy more food. And then they had pepperoni and broccoli and carrot pizza for dinner.
When they came home from the store they went onto work together. The daddy dropped the girl off at a play area for a while. Then they went back to work and a park next to the work. Then they went back to sleep and had some dinner again. They had fresh fish. After they ate the fish they went and got some cake and ate all of the cake.
The end
Second story
Now a princess story. One day there was a princess who did not live in a castle. Then she found a beautiful castle to live in. When she went into the castle she had some fish cake and some tea with the king. The king and the queen came in to have some carrot cake that they put in the middle of the table.
Then they all went into the forest and picked blueberries and strawberries. Where they made blueberry and strawberry brownies. They ate all of the brownies.